using medicine n devices on
High Blood Pressure,
Overwieght 125Kg, 174cm BMI
basically , due to poor in nutrients and oxygen circulation, which speed up aging!
drop in blood flow to the brain sometime
lymph nodes throb or swell, it’s a sign of trauma around the neck area, an infection, or a bacterial illness related to a cold or sore throat, thought glands infection around neck area. swollen lymph nodes on both armpit few weeks ago before the above. detected malign cells on bulged, 24 years ago, nothing confirmed yet Kidney issues, including protein in the urine, due to high blood sugar, or low levels of oxygen contribute to these long-lasting kidney problems. low blood oxygen and high carbon dioxide detected in arteries use to apnea. jaw and cheek pain with lymph knots swollen on cheek few months ago. a loss of sense of taste or partial loss may cause tastes to change. These changes may also be caused by a decrease in taste buds or changes in the way the nervous system processes certain taste sensations or mouth rinse! pain at the base of their ribs due to a decrease in movement. the joint ailment may linger due to virus, causing hand or wrist pain to remain. pressure at the occipital nerve (the nerves that run through the scalp) may be caused by muscle tightness or pinched nerves. These nerves may experience pressure or pain during an infection or due to blood vessel inflammation. Body, joint, and bone aches are common with when the immune system is in overdrive, it causes an immune response that ramps up your white blood cells and causes them to produce glycoproteins called interleukins. These can cause joint pain, bone pain, and swelling. Joint Pain
as immune system attempts to fight off illness, white blood cells produce interleukins to help join the fight. While these interleukins are useful in fighting off the virus cells, they also cause muscle and joint pain.
Muscle or Body Aches
body aches when you have the flu because your immune system is revving up to fight infection.
muscle twitches may be caused by stress, lack of nutrients, or lack of sleep. it may be a sign of muscle damage or nervous system disorders.
Mild confusion or “brain fog” this confusion may occur because the body’s systems are focused on fighting the illness, not giving enough focus, blood, or alertness to the brain. Inability to Exercise or Be Active
Difficulty Concentrating or Focusing or just go blank
vertigo, (motion sickness)
may be due to decreased oxygen
Inability to Exercise or Be Active
Shortness of Breath or Difficulty Breathing
Dry Eyes
“floaters” are little specks or lines that float around in your field of vision every once in a while. If you constantly see floaters or they’re accompanied by flashes of light, it may indicate you have a retina tear or vitreous detachment, which occurs when vitreous gel in the eye separates from the retina, but only confirmed mild cataract!
Blurry vision may be a sign of nerve damage According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, blurred vision may also be a symptom of endophthalmitis, which is an infection of tissue or fluids inside the eye. If this is the case, quick treatment is required to prevent blindness.